Dazey Moments

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Busy Day!

Well, I've done it. I've entered the world of blogging. I've been keeping up with several blogs online lately, and it's just continued to further convince me to memorialize my thoughts for mankind. Actually, an Event happened today that just made me want to preserve these moments. Just like the Gaither song - "we have this moment to hold in our hands and to touch and is slips through our fingers like sand...yesterday's gone and tomorrow may never come, but we have this moment today." So today is my moment - to start journaling my thoughts. We'll see if they become public or not - but at least for me, in my heart, I will have them for my record.

I saw Two Pink Lines today. Yes, indeed! And I'm struck with the thoughts that are now running through me...elated, scared, nervous, excited, so happy, worried, prayerful, trusting. It's very different this time around...this is what we've prayed for, but at the same time, it's a shock that God is allowing it to happen! I am so excited - and I just can't hardly wait to tell S and T the news in a few months! They will be sooo glad!

I'm also spreading my wings and beginning my next chapter with the MOM Team as a leader. I'll be doing my first training tonight - and I just want it to go well. I'm anxious for that...but "be anxious for nothing, but everything, with prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." I am doing that. It is usually my pattern that the more crazy my life is, the more I do turn things over to Him, and even though this is just a little thing - a silly little training, I still want to do a good job and be looked upon as a leader for our team. God will turn it into good, I know!


Blogger mombo said...

Sara, thanks for the welcome! I don't even know where to begin. We will be looking for houses in BA, Jenks, and maybe Owasso, 'cause that's where we heard the combination of good schools/not terrible taxes can be found. I'll be staying with my MIL for at least the first couple of weeks (pray)until I can get a paycheck and my DH can continue to work on a transfer or new job.Tell me about your church, and your bun-in-the-oven. How exciting!

10:28 AM  

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